Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Toshiba makes 100-GB iPod-size hard drive

For the two or three of you out there that have managed to pack your new 80-GB iPods to the gills, good news! Toshiba has just unveiled a 100-GB 1.8-inch drive, the same size and brand used in your favorite music player.

While Toshiba's people didn't mention Apple at all in their announcement of the drive, you know they're just being demure. Apple would have their heads on the proverbial platters if they jumped the gun on any type of product announcement and didn't give Papa Jobs a chance to unveil it in some fancy manner. But in any case, I'm sure there are loads of people out there that have just plum-filled up their insufficient 60- and 80-GB models, what with how much space all those Pixar and Pirate movies take up, and will be delighted to know that they can dump their relatively new purchase for a new, moderately upgraded one.

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