Monday, November 13, 2006

Stop the madness! A video player so small you can barely watch it

From the "because we can" department comes this miniscule video player, providing you with the ability to view digital videos on a device about the size of a Listerine PocketPak. Yeah, just look at that thing, it's freaking tiny. Now I thought watching videos on one's cell phone was a dumb idea, but this just goes above and beyond into a realm where I just can't imagine anyone ever wanting to use this. Seriously, a 1.5-inch screen? What can you see on that? You wouldn't be able to make out any text or any faces that weren't shot in close-up. Let's just make an agreement right now, no video on screens smaller than 3 inches. Deal? Gadget makers, are you listening to me? If you simply must impress people with the smallest video player ever, you can pick this thing up by throwing away $80. Good luck.

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